(via Peter Suber) An editorial in Nature Genetics discusses the need to establish microatribution systems:
"When requiring authors to deposit data in public databases, journals, databases and funders should ensure that quantitative credit for the use of every data entry will accrue to the relevant members of the data-producing and annotating teams. In an era in which consortia are producing more (and more useful) papers than individuals and small groups, the careers of individuals are as much in need of specific credit as those of the scientific visionaries and wranglers who hold the consortia together."
This sounds great. From the journals point of view this would mean "encouraging" the authors to link to all resources used. This information would then need to be aggregated and made available to everyone. This and other measures would help to change the current credit system that tends to reward researchers for producing papers in high impact factor journals (that does not correlate with individual paper citations) instead of rewarding scientists for the usefulness of their research.